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5 Things You Should Know Before Traveling to Bonaire

Sunny Weather

Photos from Instagram by @experiencia_latortuga, @argenel, @bonairetourism

Respectively in the summer, Bonaire’s weather is chiefly symbolized as hot and sunny. At night it might get a slightly breezy, but nothing a summer outfit won’t take care of. If the sun has done its job for you, most indoor places are accompanied by either a fan or airco. Therefore, the weather is always under your control!

The People of Bonaire

Photos from Instagram by @yippieyeah4, @infobonaire, @bonbidabonaire

Bonaire's magical recipe principally consists of its people. While on your journey, you will come to realize that the island's locals are what give it life. Be sure to chat with Bonaire's people as much as possible. They will always be willing to answer any questions and tell you numerous fun stories about the island.

Bonaire Life

Photos from Instagram by @pamkortz, @bonairescubachick, @paf_pics

Due to its beautiful sunny weather, most of Bonaire’s activities have adapted to the outdoors. Some activities may consist of snorkeling, diving, windsurfing, hiking, caving, sightseeing, and much more! Experience the good life with our kind locals. If you are full of energy and always ready for an adventure, this is definitely the island for you and we welcome you with open arms!

The Size of Bonaire

Photos from Instagram by @wandereatwrite, @pamkortz, @renee_a_weaver

As Bonaire is a Caribbean island, it is known for how its small size can hold so much beauty within its treasures. While there are numerous outdoor activities, its stores and public places come to a rather limited list of variation. Unlike a bigger country, there isn't an immense quantity of similar districts of entertainment available. For example, there is one sole theater in existence, and that is the limit for its category of entertainment. Bonaire is an island for extraordinary adventures and good vibes!

Having a Rental Car

Photos from Instagram by @meesseven_, @bonairetourism

Our island may be small, though exploring it all by foot is not is the most dazzling solution. During your time in Bonaire, it's best to rent a car as a means of assurance. After a long day of diving at our house reefs or hiking a steep trail, a car will be of great assistance in transporting items for a crazy adventure. These items might include an ice jug, a small barbeque, food and snacks, beach chairs, and much more to make your experience complete! The journey is yours, enjoy each and every step!



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